Introducing: #PhotoFridays ~ Community Advisory Board Meeting

Photo Fridays: Weekly Storytelling in the Community
We are happy to announce our newest media project, Photo Fridays! Utilizing photography and writing, we hope to highlight individuals and share events in the community.
Story-telling is an essential part of a community's history, and as a community center, we embrace our role in this time-honored tradition.
Photography has emerged as a universal medium for these stories, and we hope to capture the moments shared in our community for you to enjoy.

Mercer University: A Relationship of Support
Photos By: December, Communications Content Creator & Leadership Assistant Coordinator
Mercer's Department of Clinical Psychology has been helping support our community for years, specifically our youth programs.
This week, we were happy to take the next step with them in providing support for our families, the first of our monthly Community Advisory Board Meetings.
The goal of this week's meeting was to create a foundation for strong community relationships, and to create a roadmap of what future conversations will look like.
Some of the conversations of this week focused on the need for structured learning of music, arts and sports, as well as dedicated programs for books and reading.
The program lead, Dr. Davielle "Davi" Lakind, has a history of providing support and intentional care to stakeholders of the community; educators, parents, partner organizations, caregivers and now students.
Her and her students are thrilled to hold a role in the community that foster growth and healthy environments.