CCC Quiet Zones

CCC Quiet Zones is a free service open to residents of DeKalb County that is designed to provide quiet socially distanced space for students to participate in their virtual classes.  Students will be encouraged to bring their district assigned technology (Chromebooks, hotspot devices, IPads, etc.) or if the student does not have access to technology, we will provide the student with a loaner laptop during their time in the Quiet Zone. Participants will receive free breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks. Students are welcome to bring their own breakfast, lunch and snacks.


Due to COVID-19, the following are precautions that the Clarkston Community Center will take in order to keep everyone inside the facility risk free: daily disinfection of surfaces, social distancing while inside facility, and hand sanitation stations. These practices are put in place to keep all students, CCC staff and student volunteers safe while providing the needed care to help your student achieve academic success.
